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Yoga Asana - Yoga Postures

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:33 am
by mohan
Yoga Asana - Yoga Postures

Asana are dynamic posture that also facilitates an individual to bring harmony between body, mind and spirit. Yogasana awakens the subtle energies in the body. Yogasana not only confined to physical level only but also involve spiritual progress.

The objectives of practice of yoga postures or position (Asana) is to open and purify the energy centers (Chakras) and energy channels (Nadis). As we have seen, "Ha" stands for Ida nadi, and "tha" means Pingala Nadi. Nadi means psychic payway of energy. So, asana and pranayama balance the Ida and the Pingala Nadi, i.e. the balancing of mental energy of Ida and Vital energy of Pingala Nadi. At the subtle level, Ida nadi and Pngala nadi are compare with Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems respectively. So, the practice of Hatha yoga balances whole nervous system. During the asana, every Chakra creates a connection to the corresponding subtle energies from the Universe.

The exercises (action) of Yoga are designed to put pressure on the Glandular Systems of the body, thereby increasing its efficiency and total health. It strengthens the spinal cord, energizes the inner cells and activates the whole nervous system. It allows us to use the body as an instrument of higher awareness, so that we can receive wisdom and knowledge.

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