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Hello from Singapore

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:00 am
by starsky
I am Kiang KS from Singapore. I have been trying many different types of energy healing(also traditional and non-traditional medical healing) for my aches and pains, none of which have any noticeable effect. I had recently been attuned to Usui Reiki I(which was quite costly), and had practiced self healing for about 2 weeks now. Reiki appeared to have some good effects on me. After reading about Kundalini Reiki, which is equivalent to Usui Reiki I, II and III, and the much easier way it is applied for healing, I decided that I want to get my hands on Kundalini Reiki, and once I heal myself of my problems, I promise myself that I will also send healing to all those who need it.

Re: Hello from Singapore

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:37 am
by pradeep_shaktawat
Hello Kiang, Welcome at THC Family.
starsky wrote:I promise myself that I will also send healing to all those who need it.
Hmmmm... Good :gL :gL :gL