Prayer to Mother Kundalini

14 October 2007 by
Prayer to Mother Kundalini
Holistic Care

Wake up, Mother Kundalini,

Thou whose nature is Bliss Eternal—

The Bliss of Brahman.

Thou, dwelling like a serpent asleep,

At the lotus of Muladhara,

Sore, affected, and distressed am I,

In body and mind.

Do thou bless me and leave thy place,

At the basic lotus.

Consort of Siva,

The Self-caused Lord of the Universe,

Do thou take thy upward course,

Through the central canal.

Leaving behind Svadhishthana, Manipuraka,

Anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna.

Be thou united with Siva, thy Lord, the God,

At Sahasrara—the thousand-petalled lotus in the brain.

Sport there freely, O Mother,

Giver of Bliss Supreme.

Mother, who is Existence, Knowledge,

Bliss Absolute.

Wake up, Mother Kundalini! Wake up.
- Swami Sivananda

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