"It is slow but sure suicide to walk, sit, rest, talk, or lie down with a caved-in chest. The cells of the lungs become starved thereby, and maladjustments of the vertebrae often occur."
--- Yogananda Paramahansa
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Anahata Yoga was inspired by this quote. And this meditative hatha yoga developed by Ana Costa. It was registered with the Yoga Alliance in 2002. More than 90 teachers have received certification since then. The focus of Anahata yoga is the opening of the anahata chakra, or heart center: simultaneously correcting bad posture, opening the chest, shoulders, and lungs, and allowing the life force to flow into the body.
DescriptionAnahata prescribes a flow of exercises, postures and short meditations. As a rule, the flow is not designed to be physically taxing, but rather to encourage full breathing, heart awakening, and calmness.