Bach Flower Remedy

14 October 2007 by
Editorial team
It is believed that the fragrant essences of certain flower aids the healing process and increases spiritual awareness. British homeopathic physician Edward Bach discovered the healing powers of flower extracts. Bach flower therapy is the specialized system of complementary treatment where medicines derived from specialized medicinal plants are advocated for holistic treatment. The Bach Flower Essences Preparation: The Bach Flower Essences are made 100% naturally from spring water infused with wild flowers. Flowers are sun-steeped. If lack of sunlight or other reasons the flowers may be boiled. The Essences contain 27% grape brandy as a preservative. Because the remedies are extremely dilute they do not have a characteristic scent or taste of the plant. The Bach Flower Essences gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Essences allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself. Bach Flower Essences in Pregnancy:Bach Flower Essences are proved very supportive and caring during pregnancy. Though the expecting mothers pass through a wide range of emotions like, fear, tiredness and other emotions related to pregnancy. The Bach Flower Essences reinstate peace and calmness of mind and reduces anxiety. Bach Flower Essences in Children: shyness, tantrums, fear, nightmares, low self-esteem etc… are a few childhood emotions. The Bach Flower Essences help children in balancing childhood emotions. Bach Flower Essences and Pets:The Bach Flower Essences are very helpful in emotions of our pets. It is very successful in calming hyperactive dogs, fearful cats, newly arrived puppies Rescue Remedy: The emergency combination of Essences created by Dr. Bach is called Rescue Remedy. It contains five different Essences: Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Rock Rose. Rescue Remedy is helpful in case of emergencies or everyday stress, stressful events, anxiety of exam or interviews. If taken the wrong Essence Nothing is going to happen if you take the wrong Essence, the Essences only work on the energy level that we are having problems with. When you take the wrong Essence nothing happens. List of the thirty eight remedies discovered by Dr. Bach and directed at a specific characteristic or emotional state. 1. Agrimony – mental torture behind a cheerful face 2. Aspen – fear of unknown things 3. Beech – intolerance 4. Centaury – inability to say 'no' 5. Cerato – lack of trust in one's own decisions 6. Cherry Plum – fear of the mind giving way 7. Chestnut Bud (made with horse chestnut buds) – failure to learn from mistakes 8. Chicory – selfish, possessive love 9. Clematis – dreaming of the future without working in the present 10. Crab Apple – cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred 11. Elm – overwhelmed by responsibility 12. Gentian – discouragement after a setback 13. Gorse – hopelessness and despair 14. Heather – self-centeredness and self-concern 15. Holly – hatred, envy and jealousy 16. Honeysuckle – living in the past 17. Hornbeam – procrastination, tiredness at the thought of doing something 18. Impatiens – impatience 19. Larch – lack of confidence and self-esteem 20. Mimulus – fear of known things 21. Mustard – deep gloom for no reason 22. Oak – the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion 23. Olive – exhaustion following mental or physical effort 24. Pine – guilt 25. Red Chestnut (a type of horse chestnut) – over-concern for the welfare of loved ones 26. Rock Rose – terror and fright 27. Rock Water – self-denial, rigidity and self-repression 28. Scleranthus – inability to choose between alternatives 29. Star of Bethlehem – shock 30. Sweet Chestnut – Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left 31. Vervain – over-enthusiasm 32. Vine – dominance and inflexibility 33. Walnut – protection from change and unwanted influences 34. Water Violet – pride and aloofness 35. White Chestnut (made with horse chestnut blossoms) – unwanted thoughts and mental arguments 36. Wild Oat – uncertainty over one's direction in life 37. Wild Rose – drifting, resignation, apathy 38. Willow – self-pity and resentment
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