Concepts In Ayurveda

14 October 2007 by
Editorial team

Malas : The Catabolic Products

The catabolic and excretory products are known as  malas in ayurvedia and they are three in number. They help in diagnosis.

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Types of Malas

'Pureesh' [Stool]

'Mootra' [Urine]

'Swed' [Sweat]

Agni : The Digestive Fire

In Ayurveda-Agni means digestive fire. It is very important in Ayurveda. It is instructed by the practitioners of the Ayurveda that Agni [digestive fire]should be maintained of sick persons.

Oaj : Vital power / Vital Force

In Ayurveda Oaj is Bodily strength or otherwise it can be said ‘vital force’.When Oaj is less than the normal limit, as a consiquence it creates unknown fear, constant anxiety, anxiety neurosis, worries, trouble to senses and sensory organs, weakness of the joints, low enthusiasm, etc. When Oaj is higher than the normal limit, it creates more allertiveness, aroused senses, hallucinations, etc.


Balanced & Imbalanced of Doshas

Each of the three doshas have certain quantity, qualities, and functions. The balanced or normal condition of all these doshas are essential for well-being, health, and wellness.hen all of these are balanced, it is called normal or balanced (Dosha Shamya). However, this balanced  or normal state is not stable; it is always changing. The Doshas will become either increased (vriddhi) or decreased (kasaya). Both of these states lead to ill-health or disease. However, increased Doshas may cause problems more frequently than do decreased Doshas. Each dosha has a set of qualities (gunas) associated with it which can increase or decrease in quantity.


Qualities of Vata Dosha

Cold, light, dry, rough, hard, mobile and the ability to penetrate fine particles


Qualities of Pitta Dosha

Hot, sharp, slightly oily, penetrating, liquid, light and can be sour and foul smelling when excessively increased


Qualities of Kapha Dosha

Cool, heavy, dense, stable, oily and slimy 


Types of Imbalances

There are two types of imbalances: Natural and Induced imbalances.

Natural - imbalances

Natural imbalance is due to time and age, which are mild and normally do not cause any problems. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha increase and become predominant during one's life, during a season and during certain times of day. For example, Vata is predominant in the old age of one's life, during the fall season and during late afternoon, as well as during the last part of night and the last part of digestion. Pitta is predominant during middle age, during the summer season, at midday, at midnight and during the middle part of digestion. Kapha is predominant during childhood, during the spring season, in late morning, at the first part of evening and during the early part of digestion.

Induced - imbalances

Induced or unnatural imbalances of the Doshas can be induced by such things as: inappropriate diet, inappropriate lifestyle, trauma, viruses, parasites, etc.


Symptoms of Abnormality of Individual Dosha

Following are some of the expected symptoms of deficiency, excess, and aggravation (vitiation) of the individual doshas:


Kapha deficiency: It can cause sensation of dryness or internal burning, feeling of emptiness in the stomach and other cavities of the body, looseness of the joints, thirst, weakness, and insomnia. Kapha excess:It can cause whiteness of complexion, heaviness of limbs, nausea and fullness of the stomach, feeling of coldness, drowsiness, excessive sleep, and looseness of the joints. Kapha vitiation: It can cause aversion to food, inertness of limbs, vomiting, and impaired digestion.


Pitta deficiency: It can cause dullness of complexion and reduced body heat. Pitta excess: It can cause urning sensation of the body, desire for coolness, yellowish coloration (of skin, eyes, feces, urine), insufficient sleep, fainting fits, weakness of sense organs. Pitta vitiation: It can cause eat (fever or hot sensation).


Vata deficiency: It can causelanguor, uneasiness, loss of consciousness. Vata excess: It can causeroughness of the voice, thinness of the body, dark complexion, desire for heat, throbbing sensation, hard stool, insomnia, and weakness. Vata vitiation: It can cause swelling or distention of the abdomen, rumbling sound of the intestines.

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