FAQ of Yoga : Basics What is yoga

31 December 1969 by
Editorial team


Yoga is a psycho-physical discipline with roots going back about 5,000 years designed by the ancient Indian seers in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. These days the focus is often on the more down-to-earth benefits of Yoga, including improved physical fitness, mental clarity, greater self-understanding, stress control, and general well-being.


What is Yoga?

Is yoga a religion?

Has it been "proved" that Yoga is good for you?

What are the benefits of yoga?

When should a patient take Yoga Treatment?

How many styles of yoga are there?

What is the meaning of Asana?

How many asanas are there in Yoga?

What is Pranayama?

What is Om and why is it chanted?

What is mantra?

Which are the diseases that can be cured by Yoga?

How can Yoga be helpful to improve your personality?

Is there any age limit while performing Yoga?

Which is the best time to perform Yoga?

What should I wear?

Is it okay to eat before yoga asana?

Will yoga help me to reduce weight?

Should women do Yoga during menses?

Is it okay to practice Yoga while pregnancy?

Can I practice yoga with an injury or medical condition?

What's the difference between a yogi, a guru and a swami?

I just have started yoga practice, but I feel drowsy all through the day.

Do I have to be a vegetarian to practice Yoga?

What are Do’s and Don'ts while practicing Yoga?





What is Yoga?

 Yoga is a psycho-physical discipline with roots going back about 5,000 years designed by the ancient Indian seers in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. These days the focus is often on the more down-to-earth benefits of Yoga, including improved physical fitness, mental clarity, greater self-understanding, stress control, and general well-being.

Though in the West today, "yoga" has come to refer, in the main, to the physical stretching poses or "asana" that is one part of the yoga.



Is yoga a religion?

No. Yoga developed in India alongside Hinduism and also has influenced and been influenced by Buddhism and Jainism. But yoga is not itself a religion.

The physical and psychological benefits of Yoga are real and don't discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, color.

Yoga encourages each person to explore his or her consciousness.

Today many branches of yoga are practiced across the globe. Yoga teachers differ widely in the extent to which they incorporate such elements as chanting and meditation into their teaching, so spiritual practices do form some part of many yoga classes. To attain the supper consciousness is the goal of all yoga but spiritual principles may be either implicit or explicit in a given teacher’s approach to teaching. Regardless of whether you choose to incorporate the spiritual aspect, the benefits of Yoga are real.   Yoga is truly universal. Most people find that they can practice Yoga without any conflict with their religious beliefs.


Has it been "proved" that Yoga is good for you?

 Studies in the United States and India suggest that Yoga can help conditions such as stress, anxiety, and even epilepsy. Western science has been studying yoga for nearly 50 years and evidence suggests numerous physical and psychological benefits.


What are the benefits of yoga?

Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina.

Lowers fat, Improves circulation, Stimulates the immune system

keeps one young. Younger biological age i.e. one is younger than one’s   chronological  


Lowers levels of cortisol, lactate, cholesterol etc...

Maintains blood pressure.

And that's just the surface stuff. In fact, most of the benefits mentioned above are secondary to yoga's original purpose.

Reduces stress and tension, anxiety, depression, irritability and moodiness.

Boosts self esteem,

Improves concentration and creativity

Heals old traumas

Increases brain wave coherence. Improves comprehensive ability and memory.

Enhances emotional stability.

Brings happiness and leads to vitality and rejuvenation.

Promotes an interdependence between mind, body, and spirit.

Helps you live the concept of “oneness.”   

Sets one free from one’s illusions and preconceptions that prevents from fulfilling oneself.

Attains the union between a person's own consciousness and the cosmic consciousness.



When should a patient take Yoga Treatment?

When a Patient needs quick relief he takes Allopathic ,Ayurveda or Homeopathy treatment. But when such treatment does not bring in the required effect a patient takes “Yoga Treatment” because these treatments cure without medicine.


How many styles of yoga are there?

 Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Tantra Yoga are considered the main yogas, but there are many other types. The various yoga practices are a methodology for reaching the same destination.



What is the meaning of Asana?

Asana is a steady and comfortable posture of body.  Click for asana.


How many asanas are there in Yoga?

It is very difficult to say How many asanas are there in Yoga?

Patanjali has defined asana as "Sthir Sukham Asanam" that is "Asana means steady and comfortable posture". There can be thousands of probable states and so, it is difficult to fix total no of asana.


What is Pranayama?

Pranayama means controlling the Prana i.e. bio energy which is behind all activities of the body.

know more about pranayama.



What is Om and why is it chanted?

The syllable Om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m which represent several important triads: the three worlds of earth, atmosphere, and heaven; the three major Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva; and the three sacred Vedic scriptures, Rg, Yajur, and Sama. Thus Om mystically embodies the essence of the entire universe. It is uttered at the beginning and end of Hindu prayers, chants, and meditations. It often is used as a mantra during meditation. Although often pronounced as if it rhymed with "home," it is also pronounced "ah-oo-mm."


What is mantra?

Mantras are handed down since ancient times by religious seers who had attained self- realization by chanting them, mantras are words or syllables in Sanskrit which when repeated in meditation helps you transcend into a higher state of consciousness. As sound energies that have always existed the universe, they cannot be created or destroyed and command the power to heal you physically & spiritually. At the very basic level mantras help you to concentrate in meditation. And once you enter its auspicious circle, the mind instantly gets focused.



Which are the diseases that can be cured by Yoga?

Yoga can be useful in reducing the effects of the diseases like Hypertension, Spondilities, Asthma, Arthritis, Slipdisc, Digestive disorders, menstrual disorders, mental disorders and sleeplessness and many more like these.




How can Yoga be helpful to improve your personality?

The physical development as well as psychological improvement can be obtained by Yoga. The proportionate body structure can lead to increase your confidence. The stability of mind, increase in the concentration of the mind can be obtained with the help of Yoga.


 Is there any age limit while performing Yoga?

There is no limitation of age. Yoga can be practiced at all ages above twelve 12 years .It can be practiced at the age of 80, years. But one should do only those asanas that are suitable to one’s physical conditions.



Which is the best time to perform Yoga?

Early in the morning. But if not possible then, you can practice Yoga in the evening at least Four hours after your lunch. It's best to do the asanas in the early morning or the early evening at least Four hours after or before meals.


What should I wear?

Comfortable loose clothing, particularily around the waist so that you can breath and stretch freely. Tight clothes may restrict the circulation to some areas of the body. This would defeat one of the purposes of the asanas, that of increasing the circulation to various parts of the body.  Make sure you can kneel, squat and reach down toward your toes without being encumbered by clothing. Avoid wearing very large T-shirts and tight fitting pants other than exercise pants that stretch. Shorts, sweats, leggings, non-bulky T-shirts, leotards, and fitness wear are all appropriate. 

Is it okay to eat before yoga asana?

No, never exercise on a full stomach. Before exercising, wait at least three hours after eating a main meal, about one hour after eating a light snack such as a piece of fruit and about half an hour after drinking juices. After finishing the asanas, wait about a quarter of an hour before eating.



Will yoga help me to reduce weight?

Yes definitely. Yogasana and Pranayama can improve the digestion capacity of the body which reduces excessive fat consumption of the body. Yoga can help you to lose weight gradually and permanently when you practice regularly and eat reasonably. You will look and feel better very soon. As you become stronger and develop greater stamina, a more intensive Yoga practice will help your body maintain weight control and excellent tone.     Click here for weight management


Should women do Yoga during menses?                     

Mostly it's a matter of personal preference. Some women don't want to do Yoga during their period, many don't mind and continue to practice during menses.

Yoga Relieves menstrual discomfort and sciatica also helps relieve the symptoms of

menopause. yoga poses are calming.  Lower abdominal and pelvic compression  aids cramps and heavy bleeding. For women who do choose to practice, it is suggested that they avoid inverted poses, abdominal strengtheners, extended holding of any pose, or energizing breaths (kapalabhati). The issue is that these practices might interfere with the downward flow or cause discomfort.

click here to know more about yoga during menses



Is it okay to practice Yoga while pregnancy ?

It's okay to continue practicing yoga while you are pregnant as long as you were practicing before conception. Yoga is a great way to keep fit during pregnancy. In particular it can help strengthen the pelvic area, normalize thyroid functioning and blood pressure, and help keep you calm and relaxed -- all of which is good for the baby, too. In general, however, you want to avoid strain, compressing the belly or abdomen and inverted postures, especially in the later stages.

Still if you are pregnant, please talk with your doctor before beginning any yoga program. It is also very important that you let your instructor know prior to the start of class. click here to know more about yoga during pregnancy.



Can I practice yoga with an injury or medical condition?

If you have any injuries, medical conditions or other health concerns, it is very recommended that you should consult yoga experts, they may safely guide you through the postures.



What's the difference between a yogi, a guru and a swami?

 A yogi is someone who practices Yoga. A yogin is a male Yoga student, a yogini a female student. A guru is a teacher. "Swami" is a title of respect for a spiritual master.



I just have started yoga practice, but I feel drowsy all through the day.

Yes in several cases it happens.  One may feel uneasy for one to two weeks after starting the practice of  asanas. It may happen because the yoga exercises cause the body to release deep rooted toxins, this toxins when comes to the surface, it spends some time in the blood before being eliminated. After this initial phase of body clean-up, you will start to feel much better. The more toxins you have, worse you will feel in the beginning.



Do I have to be a vegetarian to practice Yoga?

Although the traditional Yoga diet is vegetarian, you don't have to be a vegetarian to practice Yoga.  But it is recommended to be vegetarian.   Click here to know more about diet.




 What are Do’s and Don'ts while practicing Yoga?

 Time for practice

Actually anytime is suitable if your stomach is empty. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.

Practice the sessions continuously

Do not split the time of study in the morning and evening.


The place where you are going to study must be clean, airy, spacious, pollution free, warm and with not so bright lights.

Accessories Used

You can use carpet or mat for the study. The floor should be level. Requirement for yoga is a mat or a folded blanket.  


As explained in ancient texts, you should face either east or north during the study. Clothes

Comfortable loose clothing, particularily around the waist so that you can breath and stretch freely. Tight clothes may restrict the circulation to some areas of the body. This would  defeat one of the purposes of the asanas, that of increasing the circulation to various parts

of the body.


Never exercise on a full stomach.

Don't exercise immediately after getting out of bed, since you'll be too stiff. Wait at least one hour.

Don’t practice the asanas before bed, since their stimulating effect may prevent you from getting to sleep easily.

Don't take a hot shower or bath immediately after yoga, since this draws blood away from the internal organs and glands to go to the skin

Take a bath if possible and empty your bowel and bladder before you practice asanas.

Always be alert, attentive and watchful when you practice asanas.

Concentrate on your own pose.

Light physical exercises, followed by yogasana, pranayama and meditation is the ideal sequence.









FAQ yoga





Kundalini Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

Raja Yoga










Jnana Yoga

Karma Yoga

Tantra Yoga

Faq Yoga


Yoga Nidra

Deep Relaxation



Yoga Poses


Common Diseases



Back pain



Drug Addiction



Heart Diseases








Menstrual Disorder



Pile (Haemorrhoids)

Slipped disc

Sexual disorder





Varicose Veins


Yoga During Menopause Yoga & Pregnancy Labor Premenstrual Syndrome

Weight Loss with Yoga


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