Types of Headache
There are five types of headache:- vascular,
- myogenic (muscle tension),
- cervicogenic,
- traction,
- inflammatory.
- Tension headache
- Migraine
- Ictal headache
- "Brain freeze" (also known as: ice cream headache)
- Thunderclap headache
- Vascular headache
- Toxic headache
- Coital cephalalgia (also known as: sex headache)
- Sinus headache
- Hemicrania continua
- Rebound headache (also called medication overuse headache, abbreviated MOH)
- Red Wine Headache
Common Causes for headache
- Chronic headaches are commonly due to Migraine
- Tension, emotional stress, depression -- Depression headache is associated occasionally with the focus of a somatic delusional system.
- Intracranial injury, head injury, cervical spondylosis, dental or ocular disease, temporo- mandibular joint dysfunction, sinusitis, hypertension, and a wide variety of general medical disorders.
- Alcoholism -- alcohol is toxic to tissues, directly initiates the meanings and causes the cerebral pain.
- Constipation -- due to absorption of toxic products in the circulatory system. constipation sometimes causes temporary loss of plasma into the wall of the gut, and the resulting poor flow of blood to the head could be the cause of the headache.
Yogic Treatment for Headache
Some forms of headache, such as migraine, may be amenable to preventative treatment. The patients suffering from headache have to do three things:- Regular practice of selected yoga asanas, pranayama,
- Proper diet,
- Avoid the things which strain the nerves.
- Surya Namaskara - Sun Salutation
- Bhujangasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Sirsasana
- Kapalbhati Pranayama-- Kumbhaka is not necessary.
- Shitali Pranayama
- Shavasana
- Jallundhar Bandha
- Kunjal Kriya
- JalNeti
- Guided Inner Body Meditation_Eng.mp3
- Guided Yoganidra Meditation English.mp3
- Guided Yoganidra Meditation Hindi.mp3