- Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. Coffee, including decaf, should be avoided because of its irritating oils. Identify and eliminate any food allergens.
- Incorporate sulfur-containing foods, such as garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, into your diet. Sulfur is a precursor to glutathione, which provides antioxidant protection to the gastric mucosa.
- Eat bananas, which contain potassium, and plantains for additional benefits.
- Butter milk can help normalize bowel flora and inhibit H. pylori.
- Include Vitamin C-rich foods, such as melons, citrus fruits (orange, pineapple, strawberry), broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes, to decrease nitrosamines linked to stomach cancer and inhibit H. pylori.
- Include zinc-rich foods, such as nuts, seeds, cereals, whole grains, and soybean, to enhance healing. Vitamin E, A, and glutamine can also promote ulcer healing. Cabbage juice (1 quart per day) is high in glutamine, but may initially be irritating.
- Mud pack to eyes and to the abdomen for 20-30 minutes can help in relaxing nervous system and smoothens the gastric functions
- Cold hip bath for 20 minutes can play a comprehensive role in treating the peptic ulcer and other gastric irritations
- Cold abdominal compress / pack for 30-45 minutes can play an important role in treating ulcer, as the person with gastric ulcer can easily apply this and keep it in his daily work without interruption
- Full mud bath for 45 minutes can help in removing toxins from the body
- Massage to abdomen helps to maintain the diminished and hyper peristaltic movements
- Therapeutic massage can help to alleviate stress and increase the sense of well-being
- Performing asanas can help in improving blood circulations to the digestive organ, which leads to the increase in the recovery
- Pranayamas like Nadhishuddhi pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing), Shitali, Shitakari (cooling pranayamas) can help to reduce the abdominal burning sensations, pain and enhance the recovery by relieving acute and chronic stress.