Homeostasis in Health Disease.
1991 Dec;33(4):182-9.
Stancak A Jr, Kuna M, Srinivasan, Dostalek C, Vishnudevananda S.
Institute of Physiological Regulations, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praha.
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Topography of brain electrical activity was studied in 11 advanced yoga practitioners during yogic high-frequency breathing kapalabhati (KB). Alpha activity was increased during the initial five min of KB. Theta activity mostly in the occipital region was increased during later stages of 15 min KB compared to the pre-exercise period. Beta 1 activity increased during the first 10 min of KB in occipital and to a lesser degree in parietal regions. Alpha and beta 1 activity decreased and theta activity was maintained on the level of the initial resting period after KB. The score of General Deactivation factor from Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist was higher after KB exercise than before the exercise. The results suggest a relative increase of slower EEG frequencies and relaxation on a subjective level as the after effect of KB exercise.