In a Sanskrit Kapal means skull and Bhati means to shine. The term ‘Kapalabhati’ means an exercise that makes the skull shine. In this pranayama inhalation is slow and exhalation is vigorous with a split second of retention after each out-breath. So skull begins to glow by practicing Practicing Kapalbhati.
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Method for Kapalbhati Pranayama (Glowing of Skull):
Sit straight in any comfortable position like Padmasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana. Rest both of your hands on the knees, and close the eyes.
Inhale slowly, relaxing the abdomen allowing the air to return gently to the lungs.
Exhale with a quick, strong blast of air. Contract the abdominal muscles quickly causing the diaphragm to rise and force the air out of the lungs.
Retain for a split second and repeat for four to eight blasts.
This complete one cycle of Kapalabhati. Relax and take few slow and deep breaths in between the cycles.
Nerves gets reverberate in this exercise. In this exercise our cells, neurons and nerves vibrate rapidly. In the beginning, exhale only once per second. Increasing your speed slowly then exhale twice per second. Initially practice a cycle of ten exhalations. Increase the number of exhalation slowly. Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama (Glowing of Skull) :
Kapalbhati clears your skull, respiratory tract and the sinus.
Destroying the cough that clogs the trachia Kapalbhati leads to the cure of asthma.
By practice of Kapalbhati, air cells in the lungs receive ample amount life giving oxygen, hence germs of diseases like tuberculosis cannot harm them.
Carbon dioxide The gaseous waste of respiration process is exhaled out in large amount thus purifying the blood.
This process also activates the heart and enhance the capacity of the respiratory system, circulation system and digestive system.