Yoga Treatment for Slipped Disc
Complete bed rest is necessary for a few days for fast recovery and healing. Complete immobilization of spine is the safest and quickest route of healing and recovery. The duration of immobilization required depends upon the degree of injury. In the later stage yoga therapy should be applied, which promotes the recovery. Asanas in the initial stage (Mostly backward bending asanas)- Makarasana
- Asanas later stage –
- Utthan Padasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Salabhasana
- Bhujangasana and
- Supta-Vajrasana
- Pranayama
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
Beside the above mentioned asana and pranayama practice of yoga nidra, concentration and meditation gives the best result.
Asanas- Asana removes rigidity and brings flexibility to joints and help correct bad posture
Pranayama -Breathing patterns can affect the spine in various ways, such as movement of the ribs and changes in pressure within the chest and abdomen. Exhaling can help relax muscles.
Relaxation and Meditation- Relaxation provides a physiologic antidote to stress. Imaging techniques may also be used. For example, imagining a movement before it is actually performed makes it easier to move the muscles that are being used.
By exercising carefully, and by practicing a simple routine of exercise, breathing, and meditation every day, you can help your back and neck become as strong and healthy as possible.
Therapeutics Yoganidra
YogaNidra is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. YogaNidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It has great Therapeutics values.