Mudra Bandha: Mula, Jalandhara, Uddiyana, Maha Vedha, Viparitakarani, Khechari, Vajroli, Yoni - Shakti Chalana

14 October 2007 by
Mudra Bandha: Mula, Jalandhara, Uddiyana, Maha Vedha, Viparitakarani, Khechari, Vajroli, Yoni - Shakti Chalana
Holistic Care

Mudras and Bandhas are certain postures of the body by which Kundalini is successfully awakened. In the Gheranda Samhita, the description of 25 Mudras and Bandhas is given. The following 12 are the most important:

  1. Mula Bandha
  2. Jalandhara Bandha
  3. Uddiyana Bandha
  4. Maha Mudra
  5. Maha Bandha
  6. Maha Vedha
  7. Yoga Mudra
  8. Viparitakarani Mudra
  9. Khechari Mudra
  10. Vajroli Mudra
  11. Shakti Chalana Mudra
  12. Yoni Mudra

Many of these exercises have an intimate connection with each other. Often, one exercise will combine 2 or 3 Bandhas and Mudras. Practicing these Yogic exercises regularly and correctly will bestow all the desired benefits.

Nasti mudrasamam kinchit Siddhidam kshitimandale "There is nothing in this world like Mudras for giving success."

These exercises are highly effective for curing various ailments such as dyspepsia, constipation, piles, cough, asthma, spleen enlargement, venereal diseases, leprosy, and other incurable diseases. Additionally, they are the most effective exercises for maintaining Brahmacharya, without which progress on the spiritual path is difficult.

1. Mula Bandha

  • Press the Yoni with the left heel.
  • Keep the right heel pressed at the space just above the organ of generation.
  • Contract the anus and draw the Apana Vayu upwards.

This is called Mula Bandha. Through the practice of Mula Bandha, the Apana Vayu, which naturally moves downwards, is made to move upwards by contracting the anus and drawing it upwards forcibly. This unites the Prana Vayu with the Apana, making it enter the Sushumna Nadi. The Yogi attains perfection in Yoga, awakening Kundalini, and enjoying Siva-pada in the Sahasrara Chakra.

2. Jalandhara Bandha

  • Contract the throat.
  • Press the chin firmly against the chest.

This Bandha is practiced at the end of Puraka and beginning of Kumbhaka, preventing the nectar from being consumed by the gastric fire situated in the Nabhi region.

3. Uddiyana Bandha

  • Empty the lungs by a strong and forcible expiration.
  • Contract and draw up the intestines above and below the navel towards the back.

This is Uddiyana Bandha. Practiced at the end of Kumbhaka and beginning of Rechaka, it raises the diaphragm and draws the abdominal muscles backward, aiding in Brahmacharya and enhancing health, strength, vigor, and vitality.

4. Maha Mudra

  • Press the anus carefully with the left heel.
  • Stretch out the right leg and hold the toe with both hands.
  • Inhale and retain the breath, pressing the chin against the chest firmly (Jalandhara Bandha).

This posture cures various diseases and bestows great Siddhis on the practitioner. It is typically combined with Maha Bandha and Maha Vedha for maximum benefits.

5. Maha Bandha

  • Press the anus with the left heel.
  • Place the right foot upon the left thigh.
  • Contract the anus and muscles of the perineum, drawing the Apana Vayu upwards.

This practice destroys decay and death, granting Siddhis to the practitioner.

6. Maha Vedha

  • Sit in the Maha Bandha posture.
  • Draw the breath slowly and retain it.
  • Press the chin against the chest and place the palms on the ground.
  • Raise the buttocks slowly and strike them gently against the ground.

This practice controls the mind and conquers death.

7. Yoga Mudra

  • Sit in Padmasana and place the palms on the heels.
  • Exhale slowly, bend forward, and touch the ground with the forehead.

This posture removes all kinds of abdominal disorders.

8. Viparitakarani Mudra

  • Lie on the ground and raise the legs up straight.
  • Support the buttocks with the hands, resting the elbows on the ground.

The positions of the sun and moon within the body are reversed. With practice, it can eliminate wrinkles and gray hair, and is believed to conquer death.

9. Khechari Mudra

  • Undergo preliminary exercises to lengthen the tongue.
  • Turn the tongue upwards and backwards to touch the palate and close the posterior nasal openings.

This practice frees the Yogi from fainting, hunger, thirst, laziness, diseases, decay, old age, and death.

10. Vajroli Mudra

  • Insert a silver-tube into the urethra gradually.
  • Draw liquids through the urethra without the tube.

This practice is vital for maintaining perfect Brahmacharya.

11. Shakti Chalana Mudra

  • Sit in Siddhasana and draw in the air forcibly.
  • Do Mula Bandha until the Vayu enters the Sushumna.

This practice awakens Kundalini and can lead to Siddha-hood.

12. Yoni Mudra

  • Sit in Siddhasana and close the ears, eyes, nostrils, upper lips, and lower lips with the respective fingers.

This posture is excellent for Japa and meditation, but requires significant effort and perfect Brahmacharya.

Other Mudras

  • Sambhavi, Manduki, Aswini, Tadagi, Matangini, Bhuchari, Aghori, and various other Mudras.

Instructions on Mudras and Bandhas:

  1. Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha, and Maha Vedha form one group, while Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Jalandhara Bandha form another.
  2. Practice Mudras and Bandhas on an empty stomach.
  3. Combine Pranayamas, Asanas, Japa, and other Yogic Kriyas for maximum benefits.
  4. Perform Khechari Mudra under the guidance of a Guru.
  5. Advanced Mudras should not be practiced by all; consult with a Guru.
  6. Uddiyana Bandha is also called Tadagi Mudra.
  7. Nabho Mudra or Manduki Mudra can be practiced without the preliminary portion of Khechari Mudra.
  8. Real success in Mudras requires intense concentration of mind.

By practicing these Mudras and Bandhas with dedication and the right guidance, you can achieve remarkable physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

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