Prana is the vital force that permeates the entire universe. It is the subtle energy known as Sukshma. The breath we take is an external manifestation of Prana. By mastering control over this breath, we can influence the subtle Prana within us. This mastery leads to the control of the mind, as the mind cannot function without Prana.
Understanding Prana
Prana encompasses all latent forces hidden within humans and surrounding us, including:
- Heat
- Light
- Electricity
- Magnetism
Prana relates to the mind, the will, the individual soul, and ultimately, the Supreme Being. Its primary seat is the heart. Though Prana is one, it assumes different names based on its functions:
- Prana (respiration)
- Apana (excretion)
- Samana (digestion)
- Udana (deglutition and spiritual elevation)
- Vyana (circulation)
Functions and Locations of Prana
Name | Colour | Location | Region | Function | Sub-Pranas |
Prana | Yellow | Anahata Chakra | Chest | Respiration | Naga (eructation and hiccup) |
Apana | Orange red | Muladhara Chakra | Anus | Discharge of urine and feces | Kurma (opening the eyes) |
Samana | Green | Manipura Chakra | Navel | Digestion | Krikara (hunger and thirst) |
Udana | Violet blue | Vishuddha Chakra | Throat | Deglutition and spiritual elevation | Devadatta (yawning) |
Vyana | Rose | Swadhishthana Chakra | Entire body | Circulation of blood | Dhananjaya (decomposition of the body) |
Nadi Suddhi (Purification of Nadis)
Purifying the Nadis is crucial in the early stages of Yoga. Impurities in the Nadis can hinder the ascent of Kundalini in the Sushumna. Purity in the Nadis facilitates Kundalini's ascent. Pranayama aids in the quick purification of the Nadis, forming the foundation of Yoga.
Pranayama Techniques
1. Sukha Purvaka (Easy Comfortable Pranayama)
- Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
- Close the right nostril with your right thumb.
- Inhale through the left nostril, counting to 3 Oms slowly.
- Close the left nostril and retain the breath, counting to 12 Oms.
- Exhale through the right nostril, counting to 6 Oms.
- Repeat, starting with the right nostril.
Benefits: Removes diseases, purifies Nadis, steadies the mind, improves digestion, enhances circulation, aids in Brahmacharya, and awakens Kundalini.
2. Bhastrika
- Sit in your favorite Asana.
- Inhale and exhale quickly 20 times, like a blacksmith's bellows.
- Inhale deeply, retain the breath, then exhale slowly.
Benefits: Removes throat inflammation, increases gastric fire, destroys phlegm, cures asthma and other lung diseases, and warms the body.
3. Suryabheda
- Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
- Close the left nostril and inhale through the right.
- Retain the breath with Jalandhara Bandha.
- Exhale through the left nostril.
Benefits: Purifies the brain, destroys intestinal worms, cures Vata (rheumatism), and awakens Kundalini.
4. Ujjayi
- Sit in your usual Asana.
- Inhale slowly through both nostrils.
- Retain the breath, then exhale through the left nostril.
Benefits: Increases gastric fire, removes phlegm, cures pulmonary diseases, and beautifies the practitioner.
5. Plavini
- Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
- Inhale air slowly, like drinking water.
- Send air to the stomach.
Benefits: Enables floating on water, living on air, and provides extraordinary buoyancy.
Pranic Healing
Through Pranayama, you can heal yourself and others. By directing Prana to specific body parts, you can cure diseases, enhance vitality, and achieve a harmonious state of being.
Steps for Pranic Healing:
- Visualize Prana flowing to the affected area.
- Massage gently while practicing Kumbhaka.
- Command cells to function properly.
- Repeat healing affirmations and Mantras.
Distant Healing
Prana can be transmitted through space to heal others remotely. Establish a mental connection and set a time for healing sessions. Visualize Prana traveling to the recipient, providing relief and healing.
- Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
- Perform rapid inhalation and exhalation.
- Repeat without Kumbhaka (breath retention).
Benefits: Purifies the skull and lungs, enhances respiratory efficiency, and cleanses the body's energy channels.
Pranayama is a profound practice that goes beyond mere breathing exercises. It is a powerful tool for self-development, healing, and achieving spiritual awakening. By mastering Pranayama, you can harness the vital force of Prana to transform your mind, body, and soul, aligning your individual life with the cosmic life.