What is blood pressure?
Our heart beats 72 times in a minute. With each beating of heart about half a cup of blood is pumped into arteries. Hyper means increased and tension means pressure. Hypertension means higher pressure of blood. The circulatory system plays a vital role in the nourishment of tissues. Elements necessary for nourishment of tissues are carried to them by blood. After circulating in the whole body, blood returns to get purified to the heart through the veins. To complete above process needs pressure so, the pressure works in the process of blood circulation on so long a journey through all the arteries and veins is called as Blood Pressure. Variation in the blood pressure influences the homoeostasis. During heart contraction blood pressure increases, known as ‘Systolic Blood Pressure’. During heart relaxation blood pressure reduces known, as ‘Diastolic Blood Pressure’. Normal B.P. (in adult) 120/ 80 mm of mercury pressure. But when B.P. increases to 140/90 and above and remains at that level, then this increased Wood pressure is known as “Hypertension” As a person grows older, generally blood pressure goes on increasing. As the contraction of arteries increases, the arteries lose elasticity. Normally the reduction of arteriolar lumen increases the total peripheral resistance resulting in the hypertension. Hypertension causes a variety of problems and heart is affected badly. Heart has to work powerfully to pump the blood in the arteries. With time, however, changes in the organization and properties of myocardial cells occur. Due to unexpected pressure, fluids do not come out of the kidneys in required proportion, it decreases working capacity of kidneys. Toxic fluid in the form of urea gets collected in the blood. The chemical reaction that takes place thus raises possibilities of many a different types of defects in the body. To combat this situation, kidneys secrete rennin, which further raises the blood pressure and aggravates the problem. The reduced blood supply to the kidney may lead to death of several kidney cells. The presence of hypertension also enhances the development of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. high B.P. damages the internal walls of the arteries. With increase in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids density of blood increases. It goes on sticking to the walls of the arteries. In such a condition severe strain is imposed on the cerebral arteries that supply the brain. This makes them weakened, which ultimately ruptures, causing brain haemorrhage.Can person having B.P. practice yoga asanas (yoga posture)?
Yes, it is recommended to practice Asanas except Shirsasan. All the Asanas can be practiced without any fear. Initiate with the special Asanas and Pranayama that can offer help readily are:- Vajrasana
- Shavasana
- Pranayama carried out with ease.
- When there is downturn in the blood pressure then you can without fear and without worry perform beginning with
- Pavanamuktasana
- Shashankasana
- Utthan Padasana
- Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) Shirsasana ( the headstand)
- Surya Namaskara - Sun Salutation
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Jal Neti
- Guided Inner Body Meditation_Eng.mp3
- Guided Yoganidra Meditation English.mp3
- Guided Yoganidra Meditation Hindi.mp3