Stress Depression Tension Anxiety - Yoga Cure

14 October 2007 by
Editorial team
The word stress is frequently used now days. Everybody suffers from mild anxiety from time to time, but chronic anxiety is hazards to health it drains energy resources and keeps the body in a constant state of stress. When the adaptive capacity of a person is overwhelmed by events Stress exists.  Mind loses its equilibrium when any external or internal problem strains it harshly.

Consequently, its functioning gets disturbed and harmony begins to diminish, slowly or rapidly, depending upon the individual state of mental health.

It is now an accepted fact in the medical community that stress is one of the major causes of all illnesses. Stress can cause migraines, stroke, eczema, a weak immune system, and many other diseases. Stress is also known to cause medical complications during pregnancy for both the mother & child. In medical terms, stress is a physical or psychological stimulus that can produce mental or physiological reactions that may lead to illness. Technically speaking, stress is a disruption of homeostasis, which may be triggered by alarming experiences, either real or imaginary. The definition and much of the initial research on stress was completed by Austro-Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye.

Some Common Signs and Symptoms of Excess Stress

Regularly walking, eating or working in a rushed way.

Regularly thinking and worrying about the past or future.

Frequent tension in the body (esp. neck, face, shoulders, back and chest, and stomach) which often goes unnoticed until one slows down, breaths deep and carefully surveys the body.

Feeling of the "weight of the world" on your shoulders.

Emotionally "on edge."

Regular tiredness during the day.

Significant need for outside stimulation to feel good (coffee, sweeteners, food, sex, TV, alcohol, money, accomplishments, etc.)

What causes stress Surrounding: A lot of expectations from an individual, relationship pressures, weather etc. Physiological changes: illness, sleep disturbances, adolescence, menopause, ageing From self- appraisal Acute and reactivated stress may be manifested by restlessness, irritability, fatigue, increased startle reaction, and a feeling of tension. Inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances etc... The intensity level of stress is determined by the degree of imbalance between demand and coping skills. An individual may react to stress. There are many possibilities, fear, rage, guilt and shame by becoming anxious or depressed, by developing a physical symptom, by running away, by having a drink

Effects of stress and anxiety

Digestion slows - down, sending blood to the brain and muscles, breathing becomes faster, the heart beat steps up and perspiration increases to maintain body’s temperature under stress. Sugar and fats are derived to increase energy production to provide extraordinary strength and stamina during an emergency. Adrenal gland starts secreting hormones that slow down digestion, growth, inflammatory responses and tissue repair.

Stress management

Encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress, with stress defined as a person's physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that triggers the fight-or-flight response.

Yoga Treatment for stress, tension, anxiety reduction/ Management

Beside the above mentioned asana and pranayama practice of yoga nidra, concentration and meditation gives the best result.

Yoga helps you to access an inner strength that allows you to face the sometimes-overwhelming fears, frustrations, and challenges of everyday life.

Stress relief through Yoga Asana

Stretching muscles and ligaments Stretching has beneficial effects on the body. Stretching muscles and ligaments results to increase in blood supply to the muscles, ligaments and relax them by alleviating tension and stress, pressure in the nerves of that area. Stress relief through Deep breathing (pranayama) During retaining the yoga posture breathes is slow and deep. This increases the oxygen and prana supply to the target organ or gland. It reduces stress and anxiety.

Stress relief through Concentration and meditation

During slowly and deeply breathing the attention is focused on the target organ or gland. This brings the mind into play, and greatly increases the circulation and prana supply to the organ or gland. Regular Yoga practice daily helps to regulate the breath and relax the body by gently releasing tension from the large muscle groups, flushing all parts of the body and brain with fresh blood, oxygen, and other nutrients, and increasing feelings of well-being.

Overall asana, pranayama and meditation clear all depression and rejuvenate the life.

Therapeutics Yoganidra YogaNidra is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. YogaNidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It has great Therapeutics values. Diet Avoid excessive chili, fat, spices Include vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains, milk without cream. The entire nature is made up of three qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (purity, activity and ignorance). The result of quality of activity is lust and anger, even a very powerful man may also fall a prey to lust and anger. Very big personalities are also caught up in the square of money, women, fame and reputation. When a person is over whelmed by happiness, depression results.
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