Makarasana - Dolphin Yoga Pose

30 September 2023 by
Editorial team

Makarasana or the Dolphin Yoga Pose is a powerful posture for building strength and calming the mind.

Position of Readiness: Begin by kneeling down.

Steps: Lean forward and place the elbows shoulder-width apart on the floor. Bind the hands together in front of you, resting on the forearms and knees. Extend the legs behind, pulling the pelvis towards the ceiling, forming a V shape. Keep the feet hip-width apart with toes curled in.

Time: Hold for about 30 seconds, breathing normally.


  1. Builds upper body strength for headstands.
  2. Calms the mind, relieves stress and mild depression.
  3. Stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and arches.
  4. Strengthens arms and legs.
  5. Relieves menopausal and menstrual discomfort.
  6. Helps prevent osteoporosis and improves digestion.
  7. Relieves headaches, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue.
  8. Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, and sciatica.

Note: Consult a yoga instructor for proper guidance, especially if you have specific health concerns.

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