Parvatasana : Hill Yoga Pose

9 April 2024 by
Editorial team

The Parvatasana or Hill Pose derives its name from the shape the body assumes, resembling a hill. This versatile asana can be practiced in various seated positions such as Padmasana, Vajrasana, or even while standing with stretched legs.

Position of Readiness:

  1. Initial Posture:
    • Begin by sitting in Padmasana (Lotus Pose).
    • Sit erect with a straight spine and gaze forward, maintaining a calm and focused demeanor.

Steps to Practice:

  1. Hand Position:
    • Fold your hands together, with palms touching in a prayer position against your chest.
  2. Raising Hands:
    • Inhale slowly and deeply.
    • Gradually raise your folded hands above your head, keeping them vertically aligned.
    • Stretch your arms to their maximum potential, feeling the extension along your torso and arms.
  3. Holding the Pose:
    • Retain this posture, holding the breath for a few moments.
    • Focus on the stretch and the alignment of your body.
  4. Returning to the Starting Position:
    • Exhale gently.
    • Lower your hands back to the chest, and then release them to your sides.
    • Relax for a few moments before repeating the asana.


  • For Obese Individuals:
    • Parvatasana is particularly beneficial for those looking to manage their weight, as it stretches the abdominal muscles to their maximum, aiding in the reduction of excess flesh around the waist.
  • Muscle Toning:
    • Tones flabby flesh on the arms, especially above the elbows, and shapes the figure.
  • Spinal Health:
    • Increases the flexibility of the spine, alleviating back pain and improving posture.
  • Digestive Aid:
    • Beneficial for constipation and helps in relieving seminal weakness.
  • Overall Health:
    • Enhances the overall flexibility and strength of the body, promoting a balanced and healthy physique.

Important Considerations:

  • Precautions:
    • Those experiencing reeling sensations or dizziness should avoid practicing Parvatasana.
    • If Padmasana is challenging, this pose can also be practiced in a standing position, with stretched legs, or in Vajrasana.

Incorporate the Parvatasana into your daily yoga routine to experience its profound benefits for both body and mind.

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