Sarvangasana, often referred to as the “Candle Pose,” derives its name from Sanskrit: sarvanga means “all the body.” This powerful inversion offers numerous benefits by activating essential glands and improving overall function. Here’s how to practice it:
Position and Readiness:
- Lie down on your back on the floor.
- Keep your palms facing downward and close to your body.
- Bring your heels and toes together, allowing them to relax.
- Straighten your entire body and gaze toward the ceiling. Breathe normally.
- Exhale and inhale deeply while raising both your legs and spine until they form a 90-degree angle with the floor. This position resembles Uttanpadasana (Raised Leg Pose).
- While exhaling, lift your waist and push your legs backward over your head.
- Support your waist with both hands, aligning your legs, waist, and back into a straight line. Stretch your toes toward the ceiling.
- Keep your spine and legs straight, focusing your gaze on your toes.
- Once your body reaches its maximum height, breathe slowly and deeply, engaging your abdominal muscles. Concentrate on the thyroid gland.
- Place your chin in the Jugular notch, forming a tie known as ‘Jalandhar Bandha.’ Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds during the first week.
- Gradually increase the duration to one minute over the course of a month.
- To exit the posture, inhale and, while exhaling, gently lower your legs toward your head. Maintain balance as you remove your hands from supporting your waist, returning to the normal position.
- Inhale and place your waist on the ground, keeping your legs straight as in Uttanpadasana.
- Exhale and bring your legs back to the normal position without jerking or moving too quickly.
- Thyroid Stimulation: Sarvangasana optimizes thyroid function, which plays a crucial role in maintaining correct weight and youthful appearance by regulating metabolism.
- Pituitary Activation: To some extent, it stimulates the pituitary gland, enhancing its function.
- Sex Gland Regulation: The pose also regulates sex glands.
- Nervous System Vitalization: It invigorates the nerves and purifies the blood.
- Improved Circulation: By facilitating blood flow, impurities are efficiently transported to the heart.
- Neck Muscle Stretch: Sarvangasana provides a healthy stretch to the neck muscles.
- Conditions Addressed: Beneficial for poor circulation, constipation, indigestion, asthma, and reduced virility.
- Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids: Helps alleviate these conditions.
- Postpartum and Menstrual Health: Recommended for women after childbirth and those experiencing painful menstruation or other female disorders.
- Asthma Management: Sarvangasana has medical value for asthmatics, exercising the entire respiratory system.
Remember to practice with care and enjoy the transformative effects of Sarvangasana! 🕯️🧘♀️