Siddhasana - Accomplished - Adept Yoga Pose

20 October 2023 by
Editorial team

In Sanskrit, the word “siddha” means accomplished or adept. Siddhasana requires less flexibility of the legs than Padmasana (Lotus Pose), yet it facilitates relaxation, concentration, and ultimately, meditation. It helps establish balance throughout the body and mind, making it a recommended pose for meditation.

Position of Readiness

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Stretch out both legs in front.
  3. Keep your spine straight and firm.
  4. Look forward.
  5. Place your hands on the floor.
  6. Breathe normally.


  1. Bend the left leg back from the knee and bring the foot in front.
  2. Stretch the toes and ankle of the left leg, aiming to bring them in a straight line (stretch as much as comfortably possible).
  3. Bring the left heel near the testicles without pressing against them.
  4. Your left knee should now be on the floor.
  5. Bend the right leg at the knee and place the right foot on top of the left foot.
  6. Keep the right heel just above the left heel.
  7. Stretch the ankle of the right leg and keep the right knee on the floor (avoid pressure on the testicles).
  8. Keep the spine straight and firm.
  9. With palms facing up, place your hands on your knees, forming a circle with the thumb and forefinger, and extend the remaining fingers straight ahead.
  10. Breathe normally.
  11. Stay in this position for about one minute.

To Release the Pose:

  • First loosen the fingers of both hands.
  • Lift the right leg by hand and place it down on the floor, stretching out both legs.
  • Rest for a few seconds and repeat, alternating the legs. This time, your right foot will be underneath, and the left foot will be on top.

Daily Practice

  • Initiate with about two minutes and gradually increase the time to three minutes daily.
  • Practice Siddhasana twice in a single day.


  • Curative and corrective effects on joints, especially the hip, knees, and ankles.
  • Activates joints effectively, normalizing blood circulation and restoring synovial fluid supply.
  • Beneficial for the nervous system, particularly for those with nerve defects.
  • Enhances vitality, concentration, and mental equilibrium.

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