Ushtrasana - Camel Yoga Pose

31 October 2023 by
Editorial team

The Sanskrit term "ushtra" translates to camel, depicting the majestic posture resembling this noble animal.

Position of Readiness:

  • Seated Preparation:
    • Fold both legs at the knees, keeping them about six inches apart.
    • Sit on the curve of the soles and toes, with heels pointed upward under the hips.
    • Ensure the body forms a straight line from head to spine, looking forward.
    • Place palms on the sides of the knees and maintain normal breathing.

Steps to Practice Ushtrasana:

  1. Kneeling Position:
    • Kneel down with your knees hip-width apart, toes pointed backward.
    • Reach backward and grasp the left ankle with the left hand and the right ankle with the right hand.
  2. Inhale and Extend:
    • Inhale deeply through the nostrils and lift the chest and abdomen upward.
    • Straighten the thighs and waist while gently arching the head and neck backward.
    • Push the waist area slightly forward, maintaining a gentle stretch.
    • Hold this position while breathing normally for 6 to 8 seconds.
  3. Exhale and Return:
    • Exhale slowly and return to the kneeling position.
    • Release the left hand first and straighten the left side of the body slightly.
    • Then release the right hand, bringing the body back to an upright kneeling posture.

Daily Practice Recommendations:

  • Start with a maximum of four repetitions daily, beginning with two rounds.

Benefits of Ushtrasana:

  • Respiratory Benefits:
    • Improves respiratory function, activating facial tissues, nasal passages, pharynx, lungs, and respiratory organs.
    • Beneficial for individuals with asthma and related respiratory issues.
  • Corrective Effects:
    • Corrects neck, shoulder, and spine disorders.
    • Alleviates throat problems, tonsillitis, voice defects, and chronic headaches.
    • Aids in addressing various vision defects and strengthens sensory organs.

Ushtrasana embodies strength and grace, offering a range of physical and therapeutic benefits when practiced mindfully.

Seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor before attempting advanced yoga poses, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

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