UttanaShirshasana - extended puppy Yoga Pose

28 November 2023 by
Editorial team

In Sanskrit, Uttana means "Intense Stretch," and Shisho means "Puppy." Uttana Shishosana (उत्तानशीर्षासन), or the Extended Puppy Pose, is a forward bend that resembles Balasana (Child's Pose) and is used to reduce stress and tension.

Position of Readiness:

  • Come onto All Fours:
    • Begin by getting onto your hands and knees, ensuring your knees are directly below your hips.


  1. Walk Forward with Your Hands:
    • Move your hands forward a few inches, keeping them flush with the floor.
  2. Tuck Your Toes:
    • Tuck your toes under so they are in contact with the floor.
  3. Exhale and Lower Your Seat:
    • Exhale and let your seat fall down until it’s about halfway to your feet, keeping your arms straight and hands pressed into the floor. Ensure your arms do not touch the ground.
  4. Drop Your Head Forward:
    • Slowly let your head drop forward until your forehead comes in contact with the mat.
  5. Arch Your Back Slightly:
    • Allow your back to arch slightly toward the ground, yet keep it long.
  6. Adjust Your Arms:
    • Fully extend your arms in front of you and rest them on the mat. Stretch your arms forward while pushing your hips back, allowing your spine to lengthen into the stretch.


  • Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds, breathing deeply and comfortably.

Benefits of Uttana Shishosana:

  • Stretches the Shoulders and Spine:
    • Provides an intense stretch that helps relieve tension and improve flexibility.
  • Relieves Chronic Stress and Tension:
    • Excellent for those dealing with chronic stress, tension, and insomnia.

"Uttana Shishosana is a gentle reminder to stretch out and let go, creating a space of calm and relaxation within."

Additional Tips:

  • Breath Awareness:
    • Focus on your breath, allowing each exhale to deepen your stretch and release tension.
  • Mindfulness:
    • Use this pose as an opportunity to practice mindfulness, letting go of any stress or worries.
  • Modifications:
    • If you find it difficult to touch your forehead to the mat, you can use a block or blanket for support.

Embrace the tranquility of Uttana Shishosana and let it guide you toward a state of relaxation and peace. With regular practice, you will experience the profound benefits of this simple yet powerful pose.

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