Makara, symbolizing a crocodile, forms the essence of this pose. Its relaxing nature is akin to Savasana, offering body warmth.
Variations: Two versions exist—prone and supine positions.
Prone Position:
Preparation: Lie on your stomach, arms stretched back, legs straight.
- Spread legs, toes outward, heels inward.
- Fold left arm at the elbow, resting it on the right shoulder. Repeat with the right arm.
- Place head in the triangular space formed by the elbows.
- Relaxes muscles, slows heart rate and breathing.
- Useful for asthma, rectifies breathing patterns.
- Provides abdominal massage.
Note: Avoid if you have heart issues, obesity, gas, or high blood pressure. Explore Makarasana – 2 for more variations.