Supta-Padangusthasana Reclining-Big-Toe_pose

24 October 2023 by
Editorial team

In Sanskrit, “supta” means lying down or reclining, “pada” means foot, and “angusta” means big toe. Supta Padangusthasana provides relief from backache and stretches the hips, hamstrings, and calves.

Position of Readiness

  1. Lie supine on the floor with your arms resting alongside your body and legs extended.
  2. Relax and breathe normally.


  1. Inhale and bend the left leg at the knee, drawing the thigh into your torso.
  2. Exhale and hold the toe of the left leg with your left hand.
  3. Inhale and stretch the left leg (previously bent), holding the toe continuously, pressing the left heel up toward the ceiling.
  4. Raise the leg perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Walk your hands up a strap until the elbows are fully extended.
  6. Broaden the shoulder blades across your back.
  7. Keep your hands as high on the strap as possible and press the shoulder blades lightly into the floor.
  8. Widen the collarbones away from the sternum.
  9. Now lift the right leg and arm as well, at least 15 to 20 cm off the floor, stretching the body entirely. Breathe deeply.
  10. Also perform Jalandhara Bandha (lifting the head from the floor and pressing the chin to the chest).
  11. Retain this position for up to 1 minute. Initially, you may not be able to hold the posture for a full minute, so gradually build up your practice.
  12. While releasing, breathe slowly, first unlocking the Jalandhara Bandha, and then slowly return to the supine position.
  13. Rest for a few breaths and repeat on the right side for the same length of time.


  • Stretches buttocks, thighs, groins, and calves.
  • Stimulates the prostate gland.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Relieves backache, sciatica, and menstrual discomfort.
  • Compresses the deeper veins and pushes venous blood toward the heart.
  • Jalandhara Bandha in this posture has beneficial effects on blood pressure and the carotid sinuses.
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