Editorial team Tadasana - Mountain Yoga Pose Tadasana may seem simple, but its impact on the lungs and chest is profound, making it a foundational pose for overall strength. Position of Readiness: Initial Stance: Stand with your feet together, f... Yogasana Yoga Pose 27-Oct-2023
Editorial team Supta-Padangusthasana Reclining-Big-Toe_pose In Sanskrit, “supta” means lying down or reclining, “pada” means foot, and “angusta” means big toe. Supta Padangusthasana provides relief from backache and stretches the hips, hamstrings, and calves. ... Yogasana Yoga Pose 24-Oct-2023
Editorial team Sukhasana : Easy Yoga Pose Sukhasana, also known as the Easy Pose, provides a comfortable seated position for meditation. It allows you to focus on your breath and body. Here’s how to practice Sukhasana: Starting Position: Sit ... Yogasana Yoga Pose 23-Oct-2023
Editorial team YogMudra Standing : Standing Scaling Yoga Pose Position of Readiness: Stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Steps: Bring both hands to the back. Grab the wrist of one hand with the other hand. Make a fist with the hand that has been g... Yogasana Yoga Pose 22-Oct-2023
Editorial team Simhasana - Lion Yoga Pose In Sanskrit, “Simha” means “Lion.” This posture is aptly named because it resembles a roaring lion about to attack. Position of Readiness Fold back both legs at the knees and be seated on the curve of... Yogasana Yoga Pose 21-Oct-2023
Editorial team Siddhasana - Accomplished - Adept Yoga Pose In Sanskrit, the word “siddha” means accomplished or adept. Siddhasana requires less flexibility of the legs than Padmasana (Lotus Pose), yet it facilitates relaxation, concentration, and ultimately, ... Yogasana Yoga Pose 20-Oct-2023
Editorial team Sirsasana Head Stand Yoga Pose In Sanskrit, the word “sirsha” means head. This posture is the well-known headstand posture. Sirsasana is an extremely powerful asana, with physical and mental benefits derived from its emphasis on ba... Yogasana Yoga Pose 19-Oct-2023
Editorial team Savasana - Corpse Yoga Pose-Relaxation In Sanskrit, the word “shava” means corpse, which aptly describes this posture. The aim of Shavasana is to make the body and mind perfectly still and relaxed. Although it may take some practice, the b... Yogasana Yoga Pose 18-Oct-2023
Editorial team Shashankasana - Moon Yoga Pose Shashankasana , derived from the Sanskrit word for “moon,” is a gentle yoga pose that promotes relaxation and flexibility. It is also known as the “Hare Pose.” Here’s how to practice it: Position of R... Yogasana Yoga Pose 17-Oct-2023
Editorial team Setubandhasana - Bridge Yoga Pose Setubandhasana , derived from Sanskrit, translates to “dam or bridge” ( setu ) and “lock” ( bandha ). This active version of Bridge Pose offers numerous benefits, including calming the mind and rejuve... Yogasana Yoga Pose 16-Oct-2023
Editorial team Sarvangasana - Shoulder Stand Yoga Pose Sarvangasana , often referred to as the “Candle Pose,” derives its name from Sanskrit: sarvanga means “all the body.” This powerful inversion offers numerous benefits by activating essential glands an... Yogasana Yoga Pose 15-Oct-2023
Editorial team Santulansana : Santolanasana - Balance Yoga Pose Santolanasana , also known as Plank Pose, resembles a straight, strong plank of wood. It engages multiple muscle groups and offers various benefits. Here’s how to practice it: Position of Readiness: S... Yogasana Yoga Pose 14-Oct-2023